Prime Youth International

.....towards a common goal.  

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Welcome to the Prime Youth International...

 My fellow youth ambassador, I offer you PRIME YOUTH INTERNATIONAL. on a platter of gold. I welcome you with great honor as you join on this long winding road to success, great achievements & service to humanity.


As a youth, I want you to believe in yourself and the great Potential bestowed in you. The truth is that you have more natural potential than you can ever use or imagine if you lived one hundred life times. Whatever you have accomplished till this moment is only a small fraction of what is truly possible of you.


This agrees with Brain Tracy, “The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean un-sailed, a new continent un-explored, and a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good”. These should be your watchwords as you have the nourished and necessary ingredients to face life challenges

to great success. Be goal directed! And know that clear goals increase your confidence, develop your competence, and boost your levels of motivation, as you continue with life struggles.


It is the earnest wish and prayer of all members and executives of the Prime Youth International that your potential will be developed to the fullest.


Mukhtar M. Abbani